Interesting places in the city of Yalta
Spring is around the corner and you need to think in advance about your summer…

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32 interesting facts about Mexico
1. The official name of Mexico is Estados Únidos Mexicanos - United Mexican States. 2.…

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Beijing is a unique city
Officially, 7309 oldest historical monuments are registered in the northern capital. To explore all its…


10 most unusual parks in the world
Nature is the best artist, but sometimes a person interferes with her design, and thanks…


Forbidden City Oil Platforms
In 1950, Soviet engineers began building a huge city in the Caspian Sea off the…

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water bodies can

Gardens, monuments, high-mountain resorts of Almaty

In the summer of Kazakhstan, the city of Almaty literally immersed in the greenery of gardens, parks, squares. Every year at the end of May, more than 120 fountains turn on the city’s streets, along with the Bolshaya Almatinka and Malaya Almatinka rivers, their sleeves, canals, and reservoirs forming an extensive water network. Surrounded by the natural beauty of the northern Tien Shan mountains, filled with man-made sights, the city has always been an attractive tourist destination.
The train is the most popular way to get to the former capital of Kazakhstan. The railway connects Almaty with many Russian regions and neighboring Asian countries. Continue reading

Interesting places in the city of Yalta

Spring is around the corner and you need to think in advance about your summer vacation and buy a ticket to warm countries, for example, in Crimea, or rather in Yalta. I would like to share with you in this article the most beautiful and interesting places of Yalta, perhaps after reading the article you decide to go there or even Buy an apartment in Yalta. Who knows.
1. Yalta Crocodilearium is the absolutely newest attraction of the resort city of Yalta. The Yalta Crocodilearium is a large exhibition of the most ancient inhabitants of the planet Earth, which have not changed their appearance for many years, centuries, including epochs. Continue reading

Interesting places in the Belarusian Grodno

Grodno is a city in Belarus, one of the oldest in the CIS. Grodno has a 10-century history. The city went through many historical periods that directly affected its appearance. Among the attractions in the territory of Grodno are the castle, several cathedrals and churches. All this creates a feeling of real medievalism. Below is a list of the most significant sights of Grodno, which must be seen first.
1. Sovetskaya street in Grodno
Interesting places in the Belarusian Grodno
One of the most ancient and popular sights of Grodno is Sovetskaya street. Located in the central part of the city and has a length of 500 meters. It originates from the Soviet Square. On the street there are many attractions – ancient buildings, office buildings, as well as cultural institutions. European architecture is clearly visible on Sovetskaya street, Grodno. Continue reading

Unique tourist routes
Most modern tourists turned their attention to intellectual and cultural recreation. Which can fully provide…


13 of the most unusual hotels in the world
Most hotels are not much different from each other. But for those who want his…
