Unique place - Xishuangbanna
As a national scenic resort, Xishuangbanna is a beautiful place with rich nature, historical and…

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Interesting facts about Chelyabinsk
1736 is considered to be the founding year of Chelyabinsk. During the Orenburg expedition, a…

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Unique place - Xishuangbanna
As a national scenic resort, Xishuangbanna is a beautiful place with rich nature, historical and…


Small town with huge objects
Located on an area of ​​just over 3 kilometers with a population of less than…


Great winter holiday at Rosa Khutor
Trips to ski resorts in the winter time have become traditional for many Russians. Today,…

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13 of the most unusual hotels in the world

Most hotels are not much different from each other. But for those who want his holidays to be filled with surprises from beginning to end, there are several suitable places in the world. We present you hotels, rest in which is already an independent adventure.
1. Utter Inn, Lake Malaren, Sweden. This is a project by the Swedish artist Michael Genberg. It looks like a red garden shed, somehow caught in the middle of the lake. In fact, the hotel has an underwater part. For example, the bedroom is located at a 3-meter depth, it has 13 of the most unusual hotels in the world which you can watch the underwater life. Above the water there is a small deck and a boat where you can go to explore the surroundings.
2. Hang Nga Hotel, Da Lat, Vietnam. Locals call this hotel “crazy house.” The building is considered the most unusual in Vietnam. Inside it there are a lot of corners, the rooms are connected by bridges, all this creates a kind of labyrinth. Birds in a cage, cobwebs, statues of animals and much more creates a fabulous atmosphere here.
3. Capsule Hotel, The Hague, The Netherlands. The hotel is a few hydrocameras with silk sleeping bags instead of beds. There are standard rooms, as well as superior, suitable for fans of James Bond. They have a collection of all the films about him, champagne and a disco ball. The price includes the ability to use bicycles to explore the surroundings.
4. V8 Hotel, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. V8 Hotel is perfect for big car lovers. It is located in the old airport of the city. It contains all sorts of exhibits on automotive topics and even the beds in the rooms are made in the shape of a car.
5. Das Park Hotel, Austria. Das Park Hotel offers its guests to live in large collector pipes. Each weighs 9.5 tons and is covered with a layer of varnish so that the cement is not damaged by moisture. The Austrian artist Thomas Latzel-Ohoa worked on the interior design. Das Park Hotel is open from May to October. Inside the concrete pipes it is cool and pleasant to stay in the heat. During the night in this hotel you need to pay as much as you yourself see fit.
6. Hotel de Glase, Quebec, Canada. Every December, this unique hotel is being rebuilt by artists. It is open from January 7 to March 27, its construction requires 400 tons of ice and 12 thousand tons of snow. Everything is made of ice here, from fireplaces to glasses. Warm here only in the bathroom. The hotel also has a wedding chapel.
7. Propeller Island City Lodge, Berlin, Germany. This hotel is designed by artist Lars Stroschen. Each room has its own theme. There is a room with a “flying” bed, with furniture nailed to the ceiling, and a loophole to the real room. Is the room upholstered from floor to ceiling green leather? for violent. For vampire fans, there are rooms with coffins instead of beds.
8. Karostas Cietums Hotel, Liepaja, Latvia. The Karostas Cietums building was built in 1900 and later used as a KGB prison. Visitors of this hotel are handcuffed, their personal belongings are confiscated, taken into a cell with an iron bed and fed with bread and water. The hotel is open from 1 May to 1 October. It is rumored that there are ghosts in the prison-hotel, and in the cell you can hear terrible sounds, and, perhaps, see the ghosts of former prisoners.
9. The Library Hotel, New York, USA. This hotel will interest reading lovers. Floors in The Library Hotel are devoted to various topics, in accordance with Dewey’s decimal classification for systematizing the placement of books in libraries. So, there are floors on topics of art, religion, philosophy, mathematics, etc., and in the rooms are the corresponding books.
10. The Giraffe Manor, Nairobi, Kenya. This hotel was built in 1932 by Sir David Duncan, following the example of hunting lodges in Scotland. From the territory of The Giraffe Manor, amounting to 46 hectares, overlooks the volcano Kilimanjaro. As a hotel, the estate earned in 1984. After the Rothschild giraffes lost their natural habitat, they were brought here and settled down. Staying at The Giraffe Manor, be prepared for the fact that the giraffe may well look in your window and probably will want to treat yourself to something with your hands.
11. Kolarbyn, Sweden. There is no electricity in these forest “camouflaged” huts. The first task of the guests is to chop wood for heating.
12. Magic Mountain, Chile. Water flows down the walls of this hotel. Its interior is also quite unusual.