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Great Britain
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We are going to Paris

Almost every inhabitant dreams of visiting the French capital. About Parisian attractions are known all over the world from small to large: the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame de Paris (Notre Dame de Paris), the Louvre, the Moulin Rouge, Montmartre, the Champs Elysees. And if you think about pastry shops, restaurants, parks, it becomes clear why it was here that world-famous cultural figures were inspired. For those who are going to Paris, we recommend this site . Describing each of the above attractions – does not make much sense, because everyone knows about them.
But for those who first came to this European capital, first of all it is recommended to climb the “Iron Lady” – the Eiffel Tower, and from its top tier look at the city for seventy kilometers. But, it is advisable to go up there twice – in the daytime and dark – to see the lights of Paris.
For lovers of hiking, of course, the best place is the Champs Elysees. and if you get there for the Christmas holidays – you can plunge into an incredible fairy-tale atmosphere, since everything here is decorated with New Year’s decoration.
And art lovers are no doubt recommended to visit the Louvre – the best museum in the world. Every educated person has heard of such masterpieces of art as the portrait of Gioconda (Mona Lisa), the sculpture of Venus de Milo. And you can personally admire them in this particular museum. However, there are several thousand works of art, including world painting and sculpture. Therefore – at one time the whole museum does not get around. You need to spend a lot of time to fully enjoy the world masterpieces.
About Notre Dame, Notre Dame, the most magnificent temple in the world, is known, to a large extent, from the famous work of Victor Hugo. Thanks to this novel, it is impossible not to fall in love with Parisian architecture. And the writer himself wrote in his work that his goal was to awaken the love of their architecture.
And tourists who decide to visit the French capital with children, of course, need to visit Disneyland – send their children to their favorite cartoons and fairy tales. In this largest amusement park you can meet almost all of your favorite characters (of course, animators) and ride, for example, on a roller coaster. Impressions will be enough for many years.
And not a single traveler visiting Paris for the first time returned empty-handed. In addition to statuettes and trinkets in the form of the  send their childrenturret, they mainly bring French goods that have no analogues in the whole world – wine, brandy, cheese, perfumes.