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Interesting facts about Denmark

Today we will talk about the state which is in Northern Europe and is the oldest in the community of states – the Kingdom of Denmark. This community also includes the Faroe Islands and Greenland. Denmark is the most southern Scandinavian country, located in the south of Norway and in the south-west of Sweden.
1. In this country, very tasty pastries, even in the most unpretentious shops, located on almost every corner. However, despite the love of baking, there are very few fat people, and this is due primarily to the fact that the Danes for the most part adhere to a healthy lifestyle.
2. As a rule, the working day of the Danes begins at 8 am, and ends at 4. A large number of stores are open until 5-6 pm, therefore, products are usually purchased at the weekend, and for the whole week. Such a schedule of work shops due to taxes. That is, the longer the store runs, the more it will have to pay taxes to its owner.
3. Each employee is also taxed at 43 percent of his salary, although much depends on the level of income. All these nuances are negotiated when applying for a job. However, most Danes themselves cannot say with accuracy how much the state takes from them, but they all say with one voice that it is too much.
4. To dismiss a person, he must be warned two months before his dismissal so that during this time he could find a new job for himself.
Employers pay breakfast, lunch and dinner to their employees. Breakfast from 7 to 8, lunch from 12 to 13, dinner from 18 hours. Even the most average company has its own canteen and cook.
5. The most popular transport in Denmark is a bicycle and not because they care about the environmental situation in the country, it just happened historically. At the end of World War II, gasoline was a shortage and it was necessary to tighten the belts.
6. When riding bicycles, few Danes wear a helmet, even though cycling collisions happen here quite often.
7. Danes love cycling races, for them famous cyclists are idols.
8. Many local residents can not afford to buy a car because of the huge tax on owning this type of transport. By the way, car tax is one of the highest in Europe and exceeds the cost of a car. You can reduce the amount of tax, but for this you have to convert your passenger car into a truck.
9. Buses in this country can lean in the right direction so that wheelchair users can board the bus. In addition, buses have free Wi-Fi, however, in order to connect to it, you need to enter your CPR – this is an identifier, specifying which number to remain anonymous will no longer work.
10. Danes are not very attractive, although this may be due to the fact that they do not dress spectacularly, but to be comfortable, in particular for cycling. Tights, unpretentious sweaters, comfortable slippers without heels.
11. As for the Danish men, they deserve respect and attention. When a child is born in a family for a Dane, this is a real holiday, the father takes all the care and responsibility for the baby. Changing diapers, spoon-feeding, daily walks for Danish fathers. By the way, similarly they apply to household chores. Going to the grocery store, cleaning the house, washing dishes for the Danes is a common thing. In a word, the exact opposite of Russian men.
12. In Denmark, there are almost no buildings above six floors. However, it should be noted that there is no ground floor in such buildings, so in fact there are five floors, and the first floor is called the ground floor.
13. In this country, very expensive real estate, though its quality, to put it mildly, leaves much to be desired. Often in new homes, in the city limits squeaky floors and cramped rooms. Budget apartments are those whose value does not exceed 100 thousand euros. For the money you buy odnushku, where there will be a joint bathroom and the kitchen can be part of the hallway.
14. Danes often spend evenings around TV screens, since in fact there is nothing more to be done, because if you can think of something, it will be either too expensive or unhealthy.
15. People in this country are quite enterprising and will never miss their advantage. Apparently, therefore, the Danes have a dislike for Americans who are more successful in money matters.
16. The climate in Denmark is rather unusual. Year-round temperature does not exceed 10-20 degrees. And of course the rain, though not strong. In Denmark, they even joke about this, that their summer differs from winter only in that it rains a little warmer.
17. Here free medicine, insurance is paid for by the state. Each quarter is home to the so-called “home doctor”, to which a certain number of people living in the district are attached.