13 of the most unusual hotels in the world
Most hotels are not much different from each other. But for those who want his…

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Dangerous tourist destinations
Most people, going on vacation, just want to relax. Knowing this, representatives of the tourist…

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10 dangerous roads in the world
The most dangerous roads in the world are an amazing sight. When you drive a…


Scandinavia - the country of mysterious legends
Every time Russian travelers begin to share their impressions of acquaintance with Scandinavia, many completely…


Interesting facts about Germany
Germany is the leader in the list of countries called different names in different languages:…

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unconventional orientation

5 of the strangest state borders

Where there are boundaries, there will always be dissatisfied. Yes, and the boundaries are always set painfully – through wars, painful negotiations, political fraud and intrigue. It is not surprising that some crazy stories are associated with borders.
1. Americans who were on the other side of the Mexican border
A fence between Texas and Mexico was erected under President Bush, Jr., in 2008. The goal is obvious: to reduce the number of illegal migrants and block the traffic on oxygen. For the American farmers living on the very frontier, this innovation should have been a great relief (they really were not thrilled by the constantly traffickers plying here and there and the periodic exchange of fire between drug cartels) if not for one small circumstance: these Americans were the result of another side of the fence. Continue reading

32 interesting facts about Mexico

1. The official name of Mexico is Estados Únidos Mexicanos – United Mexican States.
2. Mexican tamales (cornmeal tortilla with filling) called zacahuil has a length of three meters and weighs about 150 pounds.
3. Mexico gave the world chocolate, corn and chili.
4. Mexico is the birthplace of a very rare tailless rabbit (or “volcanic rabbit”) that lives alongside Mexican volcanoes.
5. The largest North American wildcat, jaguar, can be found in the southern Mexican jungle.
6. The first printing press in North America was used in Mexico City, the capital of Mexico, in 1539.
7. Millions of Danaid Monarch butterflies fly to Mexico from the USA and Canada every year, although their distribution areas are sharply reduced due to deforestation. Continue reading

Interesting facts about Denmark

Today we will talk about the state which is in Northern Europe and is the oldest in the community of states – the Kingdom of Denmark. This community also includes the Faroe Islands and Greenland. Denmark is the most southern Scandinavian country, located in the south of Norway and in the south-west of Sweden.
1. In this country, very tasty pastries, even in the most unpretentious shops, located on almost every corner. However, despite the love of baking, there are very few fat people, and this is due primarily to the fact that the Danes for the most part adhere to a healthy lifestyle. Continue reading

5 of the strangest state borders
Where there are boundaries, there will always be dissatisfied. Yes, and the boundaries are always…


32 interesting facts about Mexico
1. The official name of Mexico is Estados Únidos Mexicanos - United Mexican States. 2.…
