Dangerous tourist destinations
Most people, going on vacation, just want to relax. Knowing this, representatives of the tourist…

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Interesting places in the Belarusian Grodno
Grodno is a city in Belarus, one of the oldest in the CIS. Grodno has…

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10 most unusual parks in the world
Nature is the best artist, but sometimes a person interferes with her design, and thanks…


Places on the planet where there is no telephone connection
We all have long been accustomed to the fact that mobile communication is almost everywhere,…


The most amazing places in St. Petersburg
In St. Petersburg, a huge number of attractions, monuments and the most diverse, interesting and…

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unconventional orientation

Interesting Facts about Mount Rushmore

“The size of the monument should be determined by the degree of significance of the event for the entire civilization. We are not trying to carve an epic out of stone, depict a scene of moonlight, or write a sonnet; we are not dealing with mysticism or tragedy, but rather with constructive and dramatic moments or turning points in our amazing story, ”said Gutzon Borglum, a sculptor who created Mount Rushmore.
Fact №1
Mount Rushmore (Mount Rushmore) is located near the town of Keystone (Keystone), in the mountain region of Black Hills (Black Hills), in the territory of the US state of South Dakota. In its rock, huge granite sculptures are carved, forming the National Presidential Memorial of the United States. Continue reading

9 best tourist destinations

In such a difficult time for lovers to relax under the scorching sun, I would like to share interesting information about the directions that you need to take to gain vitality. All the usual Turkey and Egypt remained “overboard” of the tourism business. Of course, you can opt for Greece, the Emirates or India, but wouldn’t you like to discover something new for yourself? A cozy hotel somewhere in the wilderness of the jungle or a chic hotel on the ocean, a famous, but undervalued city or the most distant point on the world map, we bring to your attention the best tourist destinations.
1. Bosnia and Herzegovina
You will ask why? Bosnia and Herzegovina is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Fortunately, it has not yet been spoiled by tourism, as its “neighbors” are Montenegro and Croatia, and a visa for entry up to 30 days is not required here, which at times facilitates preparation for the holidays. Continue reading

Interesting facts about Cyprus

Until recently, 5 countries were the top priority areas for rest: Egypt, Turkey, Thailand, India and Cyprus. Some destinations are currently limited, and some are gaining their tourists in full swing. You probably heard a lot about the first four countries, but most likely there isn’t about Cyprus. And that is why I would like to tell you about the most interesting facts about Cyprus on this beautiful sunny day. I would like to note that Mouzenidis Travel, which has established itself as a reliable tour operator in the direction of Greece, opened a new direction specifically to Cyprus and how in such a situation you should not think about going to Cyprus, you can read more in the blog.
According to archaeologists, the first people in Cyprus lived about 10 thousand years ago.
Residents who inhabited the island were considered the most famous and richest on the planet. In those days, Cyprus was famous for its rich copper deposits. The metal was mined in the largest quantities, after which it was transported to various states. Continue reading

Forbidden City Oil Platforms
In 1950, Soviet engineers began building a huge city in the Caspian Sea off the…


Great winter holiday at Rosa Khutor
Trips to ski resorts in the winter time have become traditional for many Russians. Today,…
