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Rwanda – a country of a thousand mountains

The number of tourists to the city of Ruhengeri, which belongs to a small country in East Central Africa – Rwanda – is increasing every year. For a short rest, the cost of tours to Rwanda is quite acceptable for most people who are going to visit this country. But not only this attracts travelers here. A huge number of rare birds, beautiful flowers and butterflies makes holiday in Rwanda unforgettable.
Rwanda is considered a country of a thousand mountains. Spring is here all year round and almost never drought. Not far from Ruhengeri there is the amazingly beautiful Lake Bulero and the Virunga mountains with volcanoes. It has its own airfield and the famous National Park, which daily meets hundreds of enthusiastic guests, getting the opportunity to chat with local gorillas. Meeting with these animals can not last more than an hour, and in the tourist group should not be more than eight people. It is highly desirable to have a camera with you to capture the amazing beauty of the park.
In the vicinity of Ruhengeri lives a lot of exotic animals. Near the road, which is the border of the park, you can always see baboons, warthog pigs, flocks of zebras, and if you’re lucky, the mongooses, trying not to be seen by people. Houses in Rwanda, including Ruhengeri, have a cylindrical shape with a conical roof. They are more well-groomed and spacious than in neighboring villages.
Africa is a country of maximum contrasts. Some tourists prefer to go deep into the country in order to become better acquainted with the culture of African peoples and to visit practically uninhabited places, others buy tours to Ghana to find themselves on the Gold Coast of Africa and take part in various festivals, colorful and noisy, traditionally held here during all year.
Rwanda has 7 airports, one of which is located in Ruhengeri. But despite this, Ruhengeri does not have direct communication with all the cities of the world. Most often, the route to this regional center lies through the capital of Rwanda, Kigali, when arriving in which, tourists as part of a tourist group or traveling on their own can get to Ruhengeri by bus. It is best to visit Rwanda between June and September. This way you can avoid the rainy season. The rain at this time does not cease to pour here from October to June, stopping only for a while in December or January.
To visit the country, it is necessary to issue a visa at the Embassy of Rwanda in Bonn (Germany). The rules of registration and conditions for obtaining a visa to this country are constantly changing, so it is advisable to find out about all the changes in advance by visiting the relevant website. One thing remains unchanged: to apply for a visa, you must submit a certificate that would confirm the presence of vaccination against yellow fever.
As you can see, a trip to this country is associated with certain difficulties. Therefore, buying a tour to Rwanda at a travel agency is a more sensible decision. Tour operators will take all the problems on themselves, as a result, everyone can relax at a low price in this amazing corner of the world. Not every Russian can afford such a trip to the sea, because the flight there is very long and quite expensive. Holidays in Rwanda for many is no less attractive. It is for those who love leisurely and measuredly enjoy the freedom given by life.

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