Interesting facts about Krasnoyarsk
Russia is a huge and great country that is rich in great and wonderful cities.…

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Places on the planet where there is no telephone connection
We all have long been accustomed to the fact that mobile communication is almost everywhere,…

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Unique beaches of the world
Volcanic Beach (Mexico) In the Mexican bay of Banderas there is a beach of unique…


Interesting facts about Germany
Germany is the leader in the list of countries called different names in different languages:…


Interesting facts about Cyprus
Until recently, 5 countries were the top priority areas for rest: Egypt, Turkey, Thailand, India…

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prison cell

Gardens, monuments, high-mountain resorts of Almaty

In the summer of Kazakhstan, the city of Almaty literally immersed in the greenery of gardens, parks, squares. Every year at the end of May, more than 120 fountains turn on the city’s streets, along with the Bolshaya Almatinka and Malaya Almatinka rivers, their sleeves, canals, and reservoirs forming an extensive water network. Surrounded by the natural beauty of the northern Tien Shan mountains, filled with man-made sights, the city has always been an attractive tourist destination.
The train is the most popular way to get to the former capital of Kazakhstan. The railway connects Almaty with many Russian regions and neighboring Asian countries. Continue reading

Rwanda – a country of a thousand mountains

The number of tourists to the city of Ruhengeri, which belongs to a small country in East Central Africa – Rwanda – is increasing every year. For a short rest, the cost of tours to Rwanda is quite acceptable for most people who are going to visit this country. But not only this attracts travelers here. A huge number of rare birds, beautiful flowers and butterflies makes holiday in Rwanda unforgettable.
Rwanda is considered a country of a thousand mountains. Spring is here all year round and almost never drought. Continue reading

Interesting facts about Slovenia

Slovenia is a beautiful European country, popular among both tourists and immigrants who are looking for a better life. Surpassing all other Eastern European countries in terms of living standards, Slovenia is a great option for life. In this country, beautiful nature, excellent ecology, and the population happiness index and life expectancy are very high. Here are some interesting facts about this country.
The main attraction of Maribor is the Old Vine House. Next to it grows the most ancient vine on the planet. Her age is over 400 years. Not so long ago this record was listed in the Guinness Book of Records! This vine still produces about 55 kilograms of red grapes annually. Then it is made from an elite and very expensive wine! Continue reading

32 interesting facts about Mexico
1. The official name of Mexico is Estados Únidos Mexicanos - United Mexican States. 2.…


Interesting places in the city of Yalta
Spring is around the corner and you need to think in advance about your summer…
