Ao Nang Resort in Thailand
The resort of Ao Nang in Thailand is the most popular resort, which is located…

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Wonders of the most incredible planet
We were lucky to be born on the most beautiful of the planets, the nature…

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Interesting facts about Denmark
Today we will talk about the state which is in Northern Europe and is the…


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Interesting facts about Germany

Germany is the leader in the list of countries called different names in different languages: Germani, Alemannia, Nemetchina, and many more other names. The Germans are used to calling their country Deutschland, which means “the land of nations.”
– In 2005, Angela Merkel was elected Chancellor of Germany, she became the first woman elected to this post in the entire history of Deutschland.
-In Germany, five thousand kinds of beer, five hundred types of medicinal mineral water, one and a half thousand different types of sausages are produced, more than three hundred kinds of baked goods are baked. This country has become famous throughout the world for its beer festival. Germany has a huge number of brewing small and large plants, where every third is located in Bavaria.
– The medical drug aspirin in 1897 was invented by the German Felix Hoffman.
– Of all sports, Germans prefer football, and their football team has won the world champion title three times, it is considered one of the strongest teams in the world.
– German policemen move only on Mercedes cars.
– In this country, many do not work, but live on social assistance.
– Germany has a large number of dialects and therefore television programs from the northern part of the country go to the south, with the help of subtitles, so that the southerners understand everything correctly.
“If in this country, for some reason, you got into a fight, in order to get a softening in court, you will have to prove that your fists were not clenched when you started the fight.”
– In Germany, it is very difficult to evict a person from housing, even if he does not pay for it. It is recognized as the norm to rent housing, three-quarters of Germans live in rented housing. The legal protection of the population in this country is at a high level. Apartments are rented even by very wealthy people. The laws of renting housing regulate time by making music and allocating them no more than two hours, so as not to give the neighbors an extra noise.
Germans are not lucky with the repair of things, it is so expensive that they prefer to buy a new product.
– In this country, children are allowed everything, for the reason that the answer will fall on their parents, and if they are not there, no one will answer. To get around the bike, a child in the school gets a bicycle license.
– Homeless Germans have dogs, as the state pays them additional funds for their care.
– In Germany, the number of men exceeds the number of women. In a sign of respect for a woman, the Germans decided to shake her hand.
– Here sanitary standards are so high that without fear you can eat not only cooked meat, but also raw.
“When the Germans come to visit someone else’s house, the Germans never take off their shoes.”
– Fishermen, before going fishing, should take special courses in which they will be told how to handle the caught fish in order not to bring it great torment.
– In Germany there are many beautiful parks where beautiful flowers are planted. Six hundred and fifty euros will be issued a fine for a plucked or trampled flower from a flower bed.
– The cultural level of the average German is much higher than the cultural level of the average Russian, but the Germans are inferior to Russians by the level of education.
– German women have not used cosmetics for a long time, but because of the visiting beauties, they started using cosmetics.

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