Interesting places in the city of Yalta
Spring is around the corner and you need to think in advance about your summer…

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Across the Atlantic in balloons
Jonathan Trapp was the first man in the world to cross the English Channel in…

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Gardens, monuments, high-mountain resorts of Almaty
In the summer of Kazakhstan, the city of Almaty literally immersed in the greenery of…


Health resort Truskavets
Truskavets is a city famous for healing mineral waters. The date of foundation of the…


Interesting places in the Belarusian Grodno
Grodno is a city in Belarus, one of the oldest in the CIS. Grodno has…

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13 of the most unusual hotels in the world

Most hotels are not much different from each other. But for those who want his holidays to be filled with surprises from beginning to end, there are several suitable places in the world. We present you hotels, rest in which is already an independent adventure.
1. Utter Inn, Lake Malaren, Sweden. This is a project by the Swedish artist Michael Genberg. It looks like a red garden shed, somehow caught in the middle of the lake. In fact, the hotel has an underwater part. For example, the bedroom is located at a 3-meter depth, it has 13 of the most unusual hotels in the world which you can watch the underwater life. Continue reading

City of a million temples

This amazing place, many did not even know about its existence. Bagan or Pagan is an ancient city in Myanmar (Burma) with a fascinating history, this is where the writing, literature, architecture, visual arts of modern Myanmar originated. With full confidence, Bagan can be called the city of a million temples.
The emergence of the Pagan State is an amazing historical phenomenon. A powerful state developed, by historical standards, almost instantly, having conquered the whole world with magnificent works of art, the flourishing of religion and a perfect administrative system. Scientists can not name a specific reason for such rapid development, because the documentary evidence is not preserved. Continue reading

Salt Mine in Wieliczka

The Wieliczka Salt Mine is the most famous building of this type in Europe, mainly because of its size and interesting content …
The salt mines in Polish Wieliczka began to be developed back in the 13th century and continued to mine salt until the second half of the 20th century (when several tourist routes were destroyed due to salt mining near historical workings), so today the mine can be called a real museum of the evolution of mining technology rock salt
The first tourists came to the mine in the 15th century, although at that time they were not exactly tourists – access to the mine was open only to the most privileged persons, who had the official permission of the king with his personal signature. Continue reading

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Salt Mine in Wieliczka
The Wieliczka Salt Mine is the most famous building of this type in Europe, mainly…


Sights and interesting places in Sevastopol
Sevastopol is a unique city located on the peninsula of Crimea. For a long time,…
