Interesting facts about the Dominican Republic
Spring has come not so long ago and you need to think about where to…

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The most unusual sights of Moscow
On our website we regularly post interesting articles about Russian cities, so we have already…

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The most unusual sights of Moscow
On our website we regularly post interesting articles about Russian cities, so we have already…


Interesting facts about Germany
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Beijing is a unique city
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The most ancient cities of the world

This material will not acquaint you with the very first cities that appeared on our planet, but with such cities, which, since its foundation, have been constantly inhabited. Although, the debate about the very-very among them continues more than one year.
1. Most often, the most ancient city, safely existing to this day, is the Palestinian town Jericho, which appeared back in the Bronze Age (9000 years BC).
2. In second place is the capital of Syria – Damascus. He appeared in the same era as Jericho, but about a millennium later.
3. The small town of Byblos, located in the suburbs of the capital of Lebanon, Beirut, has a history that begins back in the Neolithic Age (7000 BC).
4. The Iranian city Susa (Shush) has a controversial founding date, which ranges from 5000-7000 years BC.
5. Another controversial city is Syrian Aleppo. The problem is that there is no old and new city. At the site of the first settlements, the current Aleppo is located, which significantly complicates the archaeological excavations.
6. Sidon – Lebanese town, first inhabited by 5,500 years BC
7. El-Fayoum – an oasis city in the middle of the Libyan Desert was founded about 4000 years BC.
8. Oddly enough, but the oldest in Europe, still existing city with a constant population in its history, is Bulgarian Plovdiv (a city on seven hills), on the present territory of which the first settlements also appeared 4000 years BC
9. Turkish Gaziantep, according to one version, appeared 3650 years BC But the date is also contested downwards.
10. Two Greek cities, Argos and Athens, appeared about the same time. However, disputes around the first permanent settlements are ongoing. The exact facts of urban settlements date back to 5000 BC. However, there is information about the seven millennia BC. In general, the debate continues.
11. The only city from eastern Asia that is on our list is the Indian metropolis of Delhi. The city exists from the middle of the fourth millennium BC.

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10 of the most unusual cruises in the world
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