City of a million temples
This amazing place, many did not even know about its existence. Bagan or Pagan is…

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Places on the planet where there is no telephone connection
We all have long been accustomed to the fact that mobile communication is almost everywhere,…

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5 of the strangest state borders
Where there are boundaries, there will always be dissatisfied. Yes, and the boundaries are always…


Amazing vacation in Mirgorod
Today Mirgorod is one of the most popular spa resorts in Ukraine. First of all,…


10 most unusual parks in the world
Nature is the best artist, but sometimes a person interferes with her design, and thanks…

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9 best tourist destinations

In such a difficult time for lovers to relax under the scorching sun, I would like to share interesting information about the directions that you need to take to gain vitality. All the usual Turkey and Egypt remained “overboard” of the tourism business. Of course, you can opt for Greece, the Emirates or India, but wouldn’t you like to discover something new for yourself? A cozy hotel somewhere in the wilderness of the jungle or a chic hotel on the ocean, a famous, but undervalued city or the most distant point on the world map, we bring to your attention the best tourist destinations.
1. Bosnia and Herzegovina
You will ask why? Bosnia and Herzegovina is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Fortunately, it has not yet been spoiled by tourism, as its “neighbors” are Montenegro and Croatia, and a visa for entry up to 30 days is not required here, which at times facilitates preparation for the holidays.
2. Ireland
The land of green pastures and heavy rains. Ireland boasts an incredible history, stunning natural beauty and the friendliness of the locals.
3. Patagonia, Chile
This is truly the most unique point on our planet! Nature in its pristine beauty: the tops of the Andes, the ridges of glaciers, amazing fjords, forests and lakes.
4. Belgrade, Serbia
The beautiful Belgrade is one of the most undervalued European cities, especially during the summer months. Tourism in Serbia is still undeveloped, but we know that this land harbors unique treasures: the oldest history, special charm, tranquility and a strong spirit of the locals who survived several wars and bombings.
5. Oman
Oman leaps out of the shadows by leaps and bounds, as one of the most intriguing directions. If you want to get acquainted with the Middle East in all its glory, with authentic Arab traditions and culture, Oman is an ideal option, besides one of the safest, which is important in today’s realities.
6. Philippines
Virgin jungle and turquoise waters – the Philippines fascinates with its beauty. However, this is not only a pleasant climate, exotic flora and fauna, but also an unusual cuisine, luxury resorts and amazing skyscrapers.
7. New Zealand
Many who have already met with New Zealand, put this country on the first line in the list of visitors. It is easy to understand why: it is geographically isolated, just like Australia, with relatively untouched wildlife, and, of course, this is the filming location of the famous Lord of the Rings trilogy.
8. Morocco
If you are hunting for handmade carpets, adore walking through the old streets, or want to get acquainted with the traditional Arab culture, go to Morocco. Tourism here in recent years is gaining momentum, so hurry, until the country has become another Egypt.
9. Cuba
Finally – Cuba. The country, still shrouded in the Soviet past, but exuding aroma of exotic Caribbean. Sooner or later, it will still be absorbed by the modernization, so hurry to get acquainted with such an authentic Cuba.

Places on the planet where there is no telephone connection
We all have long been accustomed to the fact that mobile communication is almost everywhere,…


10 most unusual parks in the world
Nature is the best artist, but sometimes a person interferes with her design, and thanks…
