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10 dangerous roads in the world
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10 dangerous roads in the world

The most dangerous roads in the world are an amazing sight. When you drive a car on the edge of the abyss, it takes your breath away so much that by emotion you can compare it with a parachute jump!
Atlantic Road in Norway
10 dangerous roads of the world (35 photos)
A unique road that was built specifically for tourists. The Atlantic Road connects small islands in the Atlantic Ocean. Amazing landscapes, opening the eyes of tourists, should not distract from the main thing: to preserve their own security. The fact is that there are cases when a powerful wave just washes the car into the ocean.
Dalton Highway is one of the most isolated roads in the world. An interesting fact is that the length of this road is 666 kilometers. Along it you can find only three settlements, in each of which no more than 30 people live.
Asphalt is available only on 175 kilometers of this road, everything else is covered with gravel. By the way, this highway is often shown on American television, as the most dangerous road in the world. People who decide to go on a journey along this path are strongly recommended by the authorities to stock up on necessities and medicines.
This road is considered the snowiest in the world, so the driver at any time may lose control of the car, and help will not be available soon.
Ashima Ohashi Bridge in Japan
Many people know the Eshima Ohashi bridge from a video advertising a Tanto minivan. This concrete bridge, 1.7 km long and 11.3 meters wide, is the largest in Japan and the third largest in the world. It connects two Japanese cities.
It is these characteristics that make it possible to confidently refer this road to one of the most dangerous in the world. Incidentally, some sites demonstrate the artificially exaggerated slope of the bridge, claiming that riding on it is comparable to riding a roller coaster.
In fact, the maximum angle of inclination of the Ashima Ohashi bridge is 6.1%, which is quite acceptable for any car. An interesting fact is that the steep slope of the bridge and in general its unique height are due to the need to pass ships under it.
Himalayan road in Nepal
Himalayan road is located high in the mountains. It does not accidentally belong to the most dangerous roads in the world. After all, at the state level, the highway is no longer served, since another, safer way has been built. Fans of extreme sports, on the contrary, strive to get here.
After all, narrow paths, insidious potholes, turns at 180 degrees and regular rain-landslides are a mortal danger for anyone who decides to try out their destiny on this mountainous off-road.
Trolls Path in Norway
Combining two Norwegian cities, one of the most dangerous roads in the world, the trolls Tropina, is closed in winter and spring. Indeed, at this time there is observed the strongest snowfall, leading to deadly avalanches and landslides. In the summer, hundreds and thousands of thrill-loving tourists travel along a special route that has 11 sharp turns. New Zealand’s Captains Road
The Captains’ Road was built in the 19th century in order to carry along it mining equipment on horse-drawn sleds. That is, for modern cars with an average weight of 1500 kg, this path may be the last. Extremely loose and wetted with abundant rains, the soil creates ideal conditions for landslides.
The road is gradually being destroyed, which is quite logical, since after 1900 no one repaired anything here. An interesting fact is that no insurance company insures tourists who are poisoned on one of the most dangerous roads in the world. After all, it is almost suicide!
Known to many motorists road Stelvio Pass connects Lombardy and Austria. This is the highest road in the eastern Alps. On the way, you will meet 48 extremely sharp turns. From a height, this road resembles a child’s scribble, because of its bizarre, zigzag loops.
With relatively high-quality coverage, accidents are not uncommon, as the stunning landscapes opening up to travelers’ eyes often distract from sudden sharp turns. A low concrete fence cannot prevent a car from falling into a precipice.
Sichuan-Tibet Highway in China
Residents of Asian countries know that the Sichuan-Tibet highway is undoubtedly one of the most dangerous