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1736 is considered to be the founding year of Chelyabinsk. During the Orenburg expedition, a…

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Interesting facts about Krasnoyarsk

Russia is a huge and great country that is rich in great and wonderful cities. I would like to talk about each separately. Let’s start with the largest city of Siberia – Krasnoyarsk. We will hold a small excursion. The godfather of Krasnoyarsk, the initiator of its construction was the first Yenisei voivode Yakov Ignatievich Khripunov, appointed to Yeniseisk in 1623. It was he who sent his relative Andrei Anufrievich Dubensky with the Cossacks up the Yenisei – to look after the place for the construction of the prison, which from the south would cover Yeniseisk from the raids of “non-peaceful” local residents and ensured the collection of tribute from the Kachinsky Tatars. Andrey Dubensky left a horse on the bank of the Yenisei, threw a sword on the ground and said that a city would be founded on this place. That is why the Strelka has a white horse monument dedicated to the Russian explorers of Siberia.
The city is divided into two halves by the Yenisei River. The left bank part of Krasnoyarsk is more interesting in terms of architecture. The historical buildings of the end of the XIX-beginning of the XX centuries are preserved here. On Karaulnaya Hill, at the entrance to Krasnoyarsk, there is the Paraskeva Pyatnitsa chapel – the visiting card of the city, which can be seen from almost any of its points. It is familiar to all Russians, as shown on the ten-ruble bill.
The funniest monuments of Krasnoyarsk are “Uncle Yasha and a trainee” on the street of the Paris Commune and “Uncle Vasya the Drunkard” on the street of the Decembrists. This place is also called the Square of Lovers, in its center there is a large hourglass, on the walls of which wise sayings are written.
One of the main monuments of Krasnoyarsk is the Alexander Pushkin and Natalya Goncharova rotunda in the public garden at the intersection of Mira Avenue and Kirov Street. In the center of the rotunda is a fountain. The three wings of the site on which stands the rotunda “Pushkin and Goncharova” symbolize Faith, Hope and Love, and the 4 columns are the seasons. The dome of the veranda is fixed on 12 pillars, that is, 12 months. As mentioned above, this article is only a small excursion around the city, and you can find out about the main events in Krasnoyarsk and its sights on the website “Choose Krasnoyarsk”.
Interesting facts about Krasnoyarsk (10 photos)
In 2000, Boris Smirnov received the title of laureate of the Guinness Book of Records. His record – surrendered 68 liters of blood. He has been a donor for 30 years. If we consider that an adult’s body weighing 70 kilograms contains an average of 5 liters of blood, then it turns out that Boris Nikolayevich donated as much blood as thirteen people have.
In 2003, the Krasnoyarsk combine harvesters hit the Guinness Book, on which the Krasnoyarsk-Oryol run (5300 kilometers) was completed in 44 days.
In 2006 a record was set for the simultaneous game of chess. More than two thousand people staged the biggest board game tournament.
In 2007, the reason for a mark in the Book of Records was the stew. The record lay in the fact that within 25 minutes a team of students from Krasnoyarsk universities had to build a pyramid of 22 thousand stew cans. The team included 50 people – 10 girls and 40 guys. For the speed of building the pyramid, the guys were divided into trailers, feeders and builders. Each participant clearly performed its function. As a result, the pyramid was erected earlier than the set time – in 20 minutes 20 seconds.
In 2014, a record was recorded – the largest board game “Carcassonne” in the world took place in Krasnoyarsk. It minutes a team table the size of a volleyball court.
On June 7, 2015, the Toyota logo was built from 1,416 cars at the Kuznetsovo circuit, which resulted in the Guinness Book of Records.
According to a government order issued in 1841, each Krasnoyarsk was obliged to plant potatoes. Ignored root duty exiled in Bobruisk.