Interesting places in the city of Yalta
Spring is around the corner and you need to think in advance about your summer…

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Forbidden City Oil Platforms
In 1950, Soviet engineers began building a huge city in the Caspian Sea off the…

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The most amazing places in St. Petersburg
In St. Petersburg, a huge number of attractions, monuments and the most diverse, interesting and…


Interesting facts about Irkutsk
We continue our acquaintance with the Russian cities - Irkutsk. The city is located in…


Taganrog - a city by the sea
Taganrog is located on the coast of the Azov Sea. It is the proximity of…

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easier for us

Scandinavia – the country of mysterious legends

Every time Russian travelers begin to share their impressions of acquaintance with Scandinavia, many completely opposite statements arise. Someone can not help delight and seeks again and again to go on tours to Scandinavia: skiing in Finland, see the Norwegian fjords or stroll through the beautiful northern capitals. And someone comes to utter disappointment and argues that it is not possible to understand these closed cold people “without a pint”, and this does not always help. Although, it would seem, it is easier for us, Russians, to understand the Scandinavian peoples – their northern neighbors, but it was not there. Continue reading

Across the Atlantic in balloons
Jonathan Trapp was the first man in the world to cross the English Channel in…


10 most unusual parks in the world
Nature is the best artist, but sometimes a person interferes with her design, and thanks…
