Amazing vacation in Mirgorod
Today Mirgorod is one of the most popular spa resorts in Ukraine. First of all,…

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Interesting facts about Denmark
Today we will talk about the state which is in Northern Europe and is the…

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Health resort Truskavets
Truskavets is a city famous for healing mineral waters. The date of foundation of the…


We are going to Paris
Almost every inhabitant dreams of visiting the French capital. About Parisian attractions are known all…


Interesting facts about Slovenia
Slovenia is a beautiful European country, popular among both tourists and immigrants who are looking…

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grows the most ancient

Unique tourist routes

Most modern tourists turned their attention to intellectual and cultural recreation. Which can fully provide enterprising tour operators. Ideas for the development of new routes can be gleaned from the most famous literary works or modern films. Moreover, if you do not have your own vehicle, many tourist routes are even more interesting to get on the tourist bus.
We present to your attention the top 10 most interesting routes where events of world famous novels and films have developed.
10th place: In the south of France, in the town of Lupiyak, an official project was launched based on the novel by Alexander Dumas. Equestrian route will allow you to feel like a real Gascon, as well as learn more about the historical basis of the novel and the prototype of the main character – Charles de Batz Castelmore. Continue reading

Interesting facts about Slovenia

Slovenia is a beautiful European country, popular among both tourists and immigrants who are looking for a better life. Surpassing all other Eastern European countries in terms of living standards, Slovenia is a great option for life. In this country, beautiful nature, excellent ecology, and the population happiness index and life expectancy are very high. Here are some interesting facts about this country.
The main attraction of Maribor is the Old Vine House. Next to it grows the most ancient vine on the planet. Her age is over 400 years. Not so long ago this record was listed in the Guinness Book of Records! This vine still produces about 55 kilograms of red grapes annually. Then it is made from an elite and very expensive wine! Continue reading

32 interesting facts about Mexico
1. The official name of Mexico is Estados Únidos Mexicanos - United Mexican States. 2.…


Wonders of the most incredible planet
We were lucky to be born on the most beautiful of the planets, the nature…
