Gardens, monuments, high-mountain resorts of Almaty
In the summer of Kazakhstan, the city of Almaty literally immersed in the greenery of…

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5 of the strangest state borders
Where there are boundaries, there will always be dissatisfied. Yes, and the boundaries are always…

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We are going to Paris
Almost every inhabitant dreams of visiting the French capital. About Parisian attractions are known all…


Dangerous tourist destinations
Most people, going on vacation, just want to relax. Knowing this, representatives of the tourist…


Turkish salt lake Ace
Turkey produces most of the salt from one of the most protected lakes called Ace.…

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early twentieth century

Gardens, monuments, high-mountain resorts of Almaty

In the summer of Kazakhstan, the city of Almaty literally immersed in the greenery of gardens, parks, squares. Every year at the end of May, more than 120 fountains turn on the city’s streets, along with the Bolshaya Almatinka and Malaya Almatinka rivers, their sleeves, canals, and reservoirs forming an extensive water network. Surrounded by the natural beauty of the northern Tien Shan mountains, filled with man-made sights, the city has always been an attractive tourist destination.
The train is the most popular way to get to the former capital of Kazakhstan. The railway connects Almaty with many Russian regions and neighboring Asian countries. Continue reading

Interesting facts about the Dominican Republic

Spring has come not so long ago and you need to think about where to go on vacation in the summer months. Or choose a traditional holiday, without leaving the country, and possibly outside the city, or go abroad. And never forget that you can find the best airline with the help of the service Where is better, who does not know gde-luchshe – this is the best guide to services. I propose today to talk about the Dominican Republic, or rather about the interesting facts of the homeland of the cleanest ocean.
In addition to being the birthplace of rumba music and dance, it is also famous for the highest biodiversity – the highest among all the Antilles. There are also a large number of natural areas – mountains, plains, tectonic depressions and the highest waterfall in the entire Caribbean – Aguas Blancas. In addition, only in the Dominicans are found the red-eyed iguanas Ricordi, of which there are about 2 thousand left in the world. Continue reading

Beijing is a unique city

Officially, 7309 oldest historical monuments are registered in the northern capital. To explore all its attractions is not enough for a month. Informative excursions to the most interesting places will help to feel the spirit of the city, to learn more about the history and culture of the Chinese.
Tiananmen Square
Familiarity with Beijing guides advise you to start with Tiananmen. There are dozens of monuments that will acquaint tourists with the culture and past of the local people. Every day, spectators gather here to see the fascinating ritual of raising the national flag of China. This tradition has been for many years, but it does not cease to cause awe in the hearts of the inhabitants of Beijing. Continue reading